Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Excel VBA code

I am working on developing code for various management science applications. I have a Master's degree from Stanford University in Management Science and Engineering and enjoy programming. I am using this site to hold all of the knowledge that I am gaining through creating programs in VBA for Excel. So often I find explanations difficult to understand or track down, so I hope this serves as another possibility for those who are searching for answers!

If there is any management science program you would like me to develop, please leave a comment on this blog and I will get back to you to get the details. Right now the plan is for me to charge $10-20 for a new request (possibly more for very complicated projects) and then the program will be available to everyone for $1-5 (again, possibly more depending on the complexity) after it has already been created. I will post links to purchase the code on the right side of the page, just click and order and I will get back to you with the code. Thanks and good luck!

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