In summary, the syntax for adding a hyperlink is as follows and can be seen in the examples below:
- Method: Worksheets("Sheet1").Hyperlinks.Add
- Anchor: refers to the location where you want the hyperlink.
- Address: refers to the web address (or document address) you want to hyperlink to
- TextToDisplay: refers to what you want the text that holds the link to display. ( See bottom example if you want to keep the text that is already in the cell you are adding the link to)
Sub WebLink()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(1, 1), Address:= _
"" _
, TextToDisplay:="Link me out" 'whatever you want the link text to display
End Sub
'Adds a link to to text currently displayed in Row 1, Column A
Sub WebLink()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(1, 1), Address:= _
"" _
, TextToDisplay:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).Value 'Will add a link to text currently in cell
End Sub
Note: Cells(1, 1) is in the format Cells(row, column) so, for example, column A is referred to by 1, Column B would be 2, Column C would be 3, etc.
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